Cat activity

Whether they live indoors or outdoors, curious cats love to play. We'll show you how to keep your cat busy and challenged, whether it's with a scratching board, versatile cat toys or creative DIY ideas.


Exercise your cat

Exercising your cat properly is essential for their health and happiness. Find out everything you need to know and get tips on how to tire out your cat!


Games for cats

Regular play with your cat increases their well-being and your bond with each other. We have collected a variety of games for you!


Craft idea: DIY cat toy - how it works

For the start of your cuddly weekend with your cat, we present a creative highlight for all cat owners: a DIY cat toy that you can make yourself quickly and easily.


Craft idea: DIY cat scratching tree - how it works

Today we have some suggestions how you can build a scratching tree for your house cat yourself. Depending on the design of the scratching furniture, you can create a own little kingdom in your home with just a few…


Craft idea: DIY fun board for cats

Today's DIY tip is aimed at all creative cat owners who enjoy handicrafts and crafts: Get ideas for a homemade fun board.
