
The stylecats® collection takes a completely new approach to design. It is not just about a synthesis of design and function, but the needs of cats and cat owners take centre stage.
stylecats® products follow the new luxury of removing everything superfluous in order to preserve the pure form - this is a completely new approach in the field of cat accessories.
The stylecats® cat trees fit naturally into modern, contemporary living environments. In our opinion, design is not fashionable, at most it reflects what is currently fashionable. The design of our cat furniture follows this line, it is compact and reduced.
This also means long-lasting robustness coupled with innovative replacement options. Because stylecats® cat trees are not just simple articles of daily use, but real valuables with a high level of attractiveness. High-quality, certified materials are used in all stylecats® cat trees.
In most cases, they are manufactured in Germany. Compared to "normal" furniture, the cat tree is exposed to enormous stresses and strains. The jumping of the cat constantly exerts dynamic forces on the cat tree. In addition, the textiles used must be hard-wearing so that Kitty can sharpen her claws or the lying surfaces can withstand unconsciously extended claws.
Added value
A stylecats® cat tree is contemporary and not just a product, but part of an overall living concept that is intended to play a central role in the lives of cats and cat owners. stylecats® cat trees are restrained, modern and straightforward in design, intended to radiate attractiveness and comprehensibility.
Attractiveness offers real benefits in the case of a cat tree: stylecats® scratching posts can be placed in central locations in existing living environments. This is important because cats ideally want to have the main part of the living environment in view from above. In the case of cat trees that are less suitable for integration into living environments, the cat tree is often set up in less central locations - the result: the cat tree is used less or not at all. And again the sofa has to take the fall.
stylecats® offers various modern cat tree variants. Each cat tree line has its own speciality.
The original
When stylecats® started with the first designs 10 years ago, there were no modern, straightforward or even integrative, furniture-like cat accessories on the European pet market - wearing parts were also not interchangeable.
stylecats® has registered and asserted over 70 property rights (registered design, trade mark protection, patents) at the European Patent Office. Annual research and development (R&D) expenditure amounts to 5% of total turnover.
Why is stylecats® a pioneer in modern cat accessories? A few inventions based on the stylecats® cat trees:
square logs (including spruce wood with a cross-sectional area of 8x8 cm) and these are covered with high-quality sisal carpet.
framed, flush-fitting textiles, e.g. sisal in scratching boards, scratching walls or floor panels / plinths as well as e.g. felt inserts in lying surfaces, which are also replaceable.
concentration on one trunk with large lying areas on each level, paired with modular construction.
the lower trunk is longer than the trunks above it - the basic concept of the HOME scratching post line only has sisal on the lower trunk, the trunks above are made of wood with a coating, similar to furniture.
In addition, stylecats® has also initiated various wall-mounted concepts:Kratzbretter SCRATCHY, scratch-/climbing trunks TREKKY / MOUNTY, scratching wall RELEX, cat furniture FREISCHWEBER.
Interchangeable textiles and modular design
Many of the stylecats® products have interchangeable textiles and the option of modular construction. The stylecats® modular system allows you to extend your cat tree at any time, for example. Individual trunk elements, lying surfaces and pads are available separately and can be reordered. This allows you to customise your furniture.
The sisal surfaces of the cat trees and furniture, such as the SCRATCHY scratching board, can also be easily replaced thanks to the screws on the back. This means that stylecats® products can be used over the long term and the entire piece of furniture does not have to be disposed of.